Okay so first we were shopping and shit and then my boyfriend was like "we should really talk about something outside" and I was confused but he kept insisting it was a private conversation, and so we were walking to his car when this random car sped through and fuccing hit him (twice). At first, it just bumped his neck but then it ran over his foot, so I was freaking tf out and tried to call an ambulance but my phone wouldn't open. He kept saying "it's fine, it's fine" but he was literally fuccing dying. After that, days had passed, and he texted me. I was so relieved he was alive, I rushed over to his house like "what's going on?" and he was very confused, so I explained what happened and he said that we had just gone to the car to talk and that he was busy with his Nan and couldn't text back. I was very confused because I saw him die.
Dreams are a reflection of our subconscious thoughts, feelings, and fears, so this dream could be highlighting some concerns or anxieties you have in your relationship with your boyfriend. The dream may be symbolizing a fear of losing or being separated from him, as evidenced by the sudden and unexpected accident in the dream.
The act of shopping in the dream could symbolize the choices and decisions you are making in your waking life. The private conversation your boyfriend wanted to have may represent a need for communication or discussion about something important in your relationship.
The car accident and his subsequent death in the dream may represent a fear of losing him or a fear of a sudden and unexpected event impacting your relationship negatively. The difficulty you experienced in calling for help may suggest feelings of helplessness or inability to control certain aspects of your life.
The part of the dream where your boyfriend texts you and acts like nothing happened could symbolize confusion or miscommunication in your relationship. It may reflect a need for better communication and understanding between you and your boyfriend.
Overall, this dream could be a reflection of your fears, anxieties, and concerns about your relationship, communication issues, and the potential for unexpected events to impact your life. It may be helpful to talk to your boyfriend about any concerns you have and work on improving communication and understanding in your relationship.